Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Additions 1542 - 1543 (30)

Additions to the Act of Union 1536 is continued below from post (29)...

"An act for certain ordinances in the king's dominion and principality of Wales. St. 34/35 Hen. VIII, c.26, 1542 - 43  (Stat. Realm, III 926)

Our sovereign lord the king's majesty, of his tender zeal and affection that he beareth towards his loving and obedient subjects of his dominion, principality, and country of Wales, for good rule and order to be from henceforth kept and maintained within the same, whereby his said subjects may grow and rise to more wealth and prosperity, hath devised and made divers sundry good and necessary ordinances which his majesty of his most abundant goodness, at the humble suit and petition of his said subjects of Wales is pleased and contented to be enacted by the assent of the lords spiritual and temporal and the Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, in manner and form as hereafter ensueth."

Setting the stage for changes to follow.  More wealth and prosperity is always good.  These changes seem to be as a result of request from the folks of Wales themselves.

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